
Carrier Air Products


HAZY, HOT AND WHO CARES? When sliced bread was invented in 1912, it was the greatest thing to happen since air conditioning. You see, our founder, Willis Carrier, invented the first modern air conditioning system in 1902. And we've been perfecting his idea ever since while enjoying the occasional piece of toast. Ask your Carrier® expert about the 2015 energy efficiency standards to ensure your new air conditioner meets government regulations for your area.

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A SMART ALTERNATIVE TO AN AIR CONDITIONER. Heating, cooling, and dehumidifying, heat pumps have it all. Except, perhaps, a name that does their versatility justice.

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COMPLETELY NEW HVAC SYSTEM. SAME OLD CHARM. Has your home been around since 1902? We sure have. Whether you're installing a new HVAC system in a historic home or you just need to heat and cool a small space that you don't use often, you can turn to Carrier. We offer a full line of high-efficiency ductless solutions that can fit your needs without compromising the integrity of the space or comfort.

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THE PERFECT COMPLEMENT TO YOUR HEAT PUMP OR AIR CONDITIONER Okay, so maybe an evaporator coil isn't exactly the kind of purchase you're dying to show off to your friends and family. But if you like your air conditioner or heat pump to perform at its highest possible level of efficiency, it's a difference everyone's sure to notice.

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IS IT SUPER ENERGY EFFICIENT IN HERE OR IS IT JUST US? Want to push your cooling unit's efficiency to its highest level? It's as easy as making sure you have the right fan coil to match. When you do, you could see improved HSPF from your heat pump, a jump of up to 2 points in the SEER rating of your air conditioner or heat pump—and an equally dramatic improvement in your utility bill.

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